If you are a Texas resident in need of a lawyer—say, because you’ve been injured in a car crash, or you’ve been forced to sign an overly restrictive non-compete agreement by your employer, or you’ve been sexually harassed by a manager or coworker—you can go one of two ways. You can choose to sign on with a big, impersonal, multi-partner law firm, where your case will probably be assigned to a junior associate or even a paralegal—or you can hire Fort Worth lawyer Jim Zadeh, a sole practitioner who gives each of his clients the attention they deserve.
With over 25 years of experience, Jim Zadeh offers clients his expertise in a number of different areas of the law, including:
· Auto and Truck Accidents Every day, there are dozens of car crashes in Texas,particularly in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area. Jim Zadeh will tell you whether the injuries you incurred in a car accident merit filing a personal injury lawsuit, in order to recover damages from the responsible party.
· Wrongful Death The worst injury one can suffer as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing is death. There are many types of wrongful death injuries including those resulting from a car accident, an accident at a place of residence, or an accident in a business establishment. The victim of these tragedies cannot speak up for themselves, but the surviving family members have the right to file suit on behalf of the victim. Jim Zadeh will listen very carefully to the details, and depending on the circumstances, can tell you if you could file a suit on an individual, place of residence, or a business establishment. There are even cases where multiple lawsuits can be filed, and an experienced attorney can help you identify your options.
· Work Injuries If your employer does not participate in the Texas’s workers’ compensation system, you may be entitled to recover damages for any accidents suffered while at work. Even if your employer does participate in the Texas workers compensation system you may still be entitled to recover monies if your injury was caused by someone outside of the company or by a defective product or machinery, rather than by the company that cuts your paycheck. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, Jim Zadeh can tell you whether you have sufficient grounds to file a lawsuit after being injured on the job in Texas.
· Denial of Insurance Homeowners in the Dallas/Fort Worth area are used to severe weather. What they’re not used to are the underhanded tactics of their insurance companies, which routinely deny (or underestimate) insurance claims caused by thunderstorms, wind, tornadoes, floods, and hailstorms. Jim Zadeh can help you collect the Texas insurance settlement you deserve!
· Commercial Litigation Do you run a small- to medium-sized business in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that is being sued by or needs to sue a vendor, partner, shareholder, or employee? Has a client or a competing company taken your business to court? Jim Zadeh handles Texas commercial litigation on a regular basis. He will confer with you to determine the most favorable outcome to your case, and adopt a legal strategy toward that goal.
· Non-Compete Agreements As an employer, you have a stake in not letting workers take their expertise to the competition—and as an employee, you want the greatest amount of freedom possible when looking for a new job. Fort Worth employment attorney Jim Zadeh drafts non-compete agreements for employers, reviews non-compete agreements for employees and can challenge overly restrictive non-compete agreements on behalf of employees who want to or have recently left their jobs.
· Sexual Harassment It can be difficult for laypeople to tell when misconduct by managers or fellow employee rises to the level of sexual harassment. Jim Zadeh will listen closely to the circumstances of your case in a confidential setting, and he can tell you whether your experience rises to the standard for a potential sexual harassment lawsuit.